
Tuesday, 31 May 2011

A Guilty Pleasure...

Well, yes definitely, that's how it feels to me.  Those few moments of losing yourself in what you enjoy doing, when you know you should be getting on with something else, but for the time being, you are happy to indulge in your hobby and let everything else melt away, because this is you time. I feel this way whenever I get into my little garden to potter about, or into the greenhouses to sow more seeds, prick out seedlings or pot on, or to maintain and care for resident greenhouse goodies therein.  It's never ever a chore, I never ever look at a watch, and I never ever feel like I have ever spent anywhere near long enough doing it.  I've decided though that it's these times spent feeding my soul, that enable me to keep going with other everyday life things, and that regularly topping up with these little 'time-outs' benefits my loved ones and those around me better, as ultimately I'm a better person for listening to my souls' needs in the first place.

As a famous person once said 'keep mum happy, and everyones' happy!'